Speaker Coaching

More bookings – Higher Fees – More visibility

Speaker Coaching: Building a successful Speaker Business
More Inquiries, More Bookings & More Sales as a Keynote Speaker

Speaker Coaching Programs for speakers, trainers and coaches who want to build a profitable business

The speaker industry is quite unique, and it is not that easy to get a foothold and build a successful business. That’s why I created my 1 to 1 coaching programs for keynote speakers, trainers and coaches, based on my ten years of experience as a successful speaker.

No matter where you are, whether you are just entering the speaker market or have been doing it for a few years; no matter whether you want to work as a full-time or part-time speaker, in the coaching we take care of all the important topics such as your fee, your positioning, generating requests and bookings, working with speaker agencies, developing your speech and effective marketing strategies.

The most important benefits of Speaker Coaching

I’m happy to help you build or grow your speaker business. If you want to work with me as your mentor, you can choose between three different programs. And if you have any questions, please to contact me.

I am looking forward to our cooperation.

Sincerely yours

Ilja Gee Signature

The exclusive mentoring program
For all keynote speakers who really mean business

What could happen when you have an experienced mentor at your side for 12 months who encourages you, challenges you and regularly provides you with valuable tips, ideas and contacts?

With the VIP Mentoring Program, your career as a keynote speaker is guaranteed to get the boost you desire.

  • The most exclusive speaker coaching: 12 months of intensive mentoring by Ilja Grzeskowitz
  • Conveniently via Zoom or in person in Berlin
  • 1 session = 1 hour of coaching. Use the sessions individually or in a block
  • You have an urgent question or a short notice? No problem, help in case of emergency is included in the program
  • Invaluable contacts to multipliers from speaker agencies, publishing houses and the media
  • Unlimited emails and WhatsApps for important issues at no additional cost
Keynote speaker werden

Speaker Coaching
Mentoring program

12 months mentoring
2 sessions per month
299 Per month
  • plus VAT

Speaker Coaching
Mentoring program

12 months mentoring
4 sessions per month
590 Per month
  • plus VAT

The Premium Program


We work intensively on your speaking career for a full six months. After the program, you will not only have professionally positioned your business, but also have a concrete implementation plan, attract customers with your positioning and use your killer keynote speech as your number one marketing tool.

With the Speaker Coaching Premium Program, you get everything you need to become a successful keynote speaker and lecturer.

  • The Premium Speaker Coaching: 6 months 1:1 support by Ilja Grzeskowitz
  • Conveniently via Zoom or in person in Berlin
  • 1 session = 1 hour of coaching. Use the sessions individually or in a block
  • You have an urgent question or a short notice? No problem, help in case of emergency is included in the program
  • Invaluable contacts to multipliers from speaker agencies, publishing houses and the media
  • Unlimited emails and WhatsApps for important issues at no additional cost

Speaker Coaching Premium Program

6 months mentoring
2 sessions per month
349 Per month
  • plus VAT

Speaker Coaching Premium Program

6 months mentoring
4 sessions per month
690 Per month
  • plus VAT

The Kickstarter Program
Irresistible Positioning, Enthusiastic Customers and a Killer Keynote Speech

The Shortest Speaker Coaching Program. But don’t let the short period of time fool you. Even in three months you can really achieve a lot. From positioning to attracting clients to developing your killer keynote speech, we work intensively on all the factors that will make your speaker business really stand out.

With the Kickstarter program, you can set yourself apart from the rest of the market and lay the foundations for sustainable success and, most importantly, profitability as a speaker.

  • The Kickstarter Speaker Coaching: 3 months 1:1 support by Ilja Grzeskowitz
  • Conveniently via Zoom or in person in Berlin
  • 1 session = 1 hour of coaching. Use the sessions individually or in a block
  • You have an urgent question or a short notice? No problem, help in case of emergency is included in the program
  • Invaluable contacts to multipliers from speaker agencies, publishing houses and the media
  • Unlimited emails and WhatsApps for important issues at no additional cost
redner coaching

Speaker Coaching
Kickstarter program

3 months mentoring
2 sessions per month
399 Per month
  • plus VAT

Speaker Coaching Kickstarter Program

3 months mentoring
4 sessions per month
790 Per month
  • plus VAT

A personal word
Why Speaker Coaching is so important

I remember exactly how I took my first steps in the speaker market more than ten years ago. The transformation from trainer to keynote speaker was quite difficult for me because I had absolutely no idea what to do and what not to do. No wonder I made a lot of mistakes in the early stages, which cost me a lot of teaching money.

It wasn’t until I sought out the support of successful coaches and mentors that I was able to put my career and speaker business on a healthy foundation that I still benefit from today.

There are so many important factors to making it in this wonderful business. Proper positioning, an effective marketing strategy, acquiring new clients, setting fees, obtaining testimonials, working with speaker agencies, creating show reels, writing books, and establishing oneself as an expert in one’s subject area are just a few examples of many.

Tackling all this successfully as a lone wolf in a quiet room may be possible, but it is extremely rare. Working with an experienced mentor and coach is therefore probably the best investment you can make. No matter if you are just starting your career or already established.

With my experience, a critical view from the outside and above all my heart and soul I can help you to make your dream of a successful career as a keynote speaker come true. You can tap into my experience as well as get inspired by my ideas, tips and tricks. I will encourage you, challenge you and if necessary, give you one or the other loving kick in the butt.

Do you want to provide your speaker business with the necessary booster? Then let’s make a big dent in the universe together.

Ilja Grzeskowitz


Überblick über Iljas bisheriges Berufsleben
  • 1975: Geboren in der schönen Hansestadt Lübeck
  • 1994: Abitur am Carl-Jacob-Burkhardt Gymnasium zu Lübeck
  • 1994: Zivildienst am Universitätsklinikum Lübeck: Arbeit mit behinderten und lernschwachen Kindern in einer integrativen Einrichtung.
  • 1995 – 2001: Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Greifswald, Mannheim und Hamburg. Schwerpunktfächer: Marketing, Wirtschaftspädagogik und Organisationstheorie. Abschluss: Diplom Kaufmann
  • 1995 – 2001: Diverse Jobs, u.a.: Dolmetscher für amerikanische und nigerianische Unternehmen, Barkeeper, Businessplan Schreiber, Consultant für Start-Ups, Business Development Manager
  • 2002 – 2008: Geschäftsführer für insgesamt zehn Standorte von Karstadt, Hertie und Wertheim
  • 2008 – 2009: Storemanager IKEA in Hamburg
  • 2009: Gründung von Ilja Grzeskowitz – Veränderung. Einfach. Machen.
  • 2013-2015: Lehraufträge an der Berlin School of Law and Economics und der SRH Hochschule
  • Seit 2009: Internationaler Keynote Speaker, Bestsellerautor von 12 Büchern und Change Berater
  • Seit 2013: Initiator und Gastgeber des Change Awards
  • 2023: Gründung der Change Leaders Academy



Die Unternehmensphilosophie basiert auf unserem gesamten Denken, Handeln und Wirken. Unternehmen verändern sich, wenn die Menschen sich verändern. Deshalb glaube ich fest an zwei Dinge: An die Kraft der individuellen Persönlichkeit und die Magie einer von starken Werten getriebenen Veränderungskultur. Wenn sich die individuellen Bedürfnisse der einzelnen Menschen mit den übergeordneten Organisationszielen im Einklang befinden, entsteht ein magischer Cocktail aus Leidenschaft, Commitment und operativer Exzellenz. Dies haben wir in unserem Mission Statement zusammengefasst:

“Mein Businessansatz ist radikal menschlich, denn ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass der Mensch in Zeiten der immer schneller werdenden Veränderung der wichtigste Erfolgsfaktor der Zukunft ist. Ich helfe Menschen dabei, ein auf Selbstbestimmung, persönlicher Freiheit und Sinnhaftigkeit basierendes Leben zu führen. Ich unterstütze Organisationen und Unternehmen, die großen Chancen der Veränderung zu nutzen und eine Change Kultur zu etablieren, die von geteilten Werten, Diversity und Sinn geprägt ist. Die individuelle Definition von Erfolg ist dabei der kraftvolle Fixstern, der Weg dort hin die Veränderung.”


Diese Werte treiben uns an
  • Verantwortung: Nur wenn jeder persönliche Verantwortung übernimmt, können wir gemeinsam erfolgreich sein.
  • Dankbarkeit: Wir gehen mit einer Attitude of Gratitude durchs Leben. Wir geben, bevor wir nehmen.
  • Diversity: Wir respektieren jeden Menschen so wie er ist und behandeln ihn individuell.
  • Integrität: Wir lassen Taten sprechen und tun, was wir angekündigt haben.
  • Unterstützung: Niemand gewinnt allein. Deshalb ist uns das Team heilig.
  • Familie: Erfolg hat bei uns eine klare Reihenfolge: Family First, dann kommt das Business.
  • Bedeutung: Für uns ist Job nicht nur Job. Unser gesamtes Wirken beruht auf Sinnhaftigkeit, um die Welt jeden Tag ein Stück besser zu machen.
  • Humor: Wir lachen gerne und viel, besonders über uns selbst. Denn für uns muss Arbeit vor allem eins: Spaß machen!
  • Qualität: Wir haben hohe Ansprüche an unsere Produkte, unseren Service, besonders aber an uns selbst.
Natürlich gibt es für uns auch einige NO-GO‘s:

Gleichgültigkeit. Beliebigkeit. Feigheit. Egoismus. Rumeierei. Zynismus. Humorlosigkeit. Schwarzmalerei. Gewalt. Hass. Dogmatismus. Besserwisserei. Opportunismus.


Diese Überzeugungen treiben uns an
  • Wir glauben, dass Unternehmen sich verändern, wenn die Menschen sich verändern.
  • Wir glauben, dass eine Kultur der Veränderung jede noch so ausgetüftelte Strategie schlägt.
  • Wir glauben, dass wir für unsere Ergebnisse verantwortlich sind. Für die guten, wie die schlechten.
  • Wir glauben, dass in jedem Problem eine Chance steckt.
  • Wir glauben, dass Motivation auf Sinnhaftigkeit und Werten basiert und nicht auf externen Faktoren.
  • Wir glauben, dass in jedem Menschen ein großes Feuer lodert, das nur darauf wartet, entzündet zu werden.
  • Wir glauben, dass sich alles verändert, wenn Sie sich verändern.
  • Wir glauben, dass innovatives Denken, harte Arbeit und Commitment die Grundlage für Erfolg bilden.
  • Wir glauben an Individualität und Diversity statt an Gleichmacherei.
  • Wir glauben an einfache Lösungen und nicht an komplizierte Probleme.
  • Wir glauben an Klarheit, Entschiedenheit und Integrität.
  • Wir glauben an Ergebnisse und nicht an Ankündigungen.
  • Wir glauben, dass der Umgang mit Veränderung die wichtigste Schlüsselkompetenz der Zukunft sein wird.


Auszeichnungen, Awards & Preise
  • 2013: Publikumspreis für außergewöhnliche Rednerleistungen
  • 2013: Rednerpreis „Best Media“
  • 2014: Rednerpreis „Best Performer“
  • 2016: Aufnahme als erster Deutscher in den C-Suite Book Club in New York City
  • 2016: Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), verliehen durch die National Speakers Association in Phoenix/Arizona
  • 2016: Rednerpreis „Best Brand“
  • 2018: Best Business Book Award für über 100.000 verkaufte Exemplare auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse
  • 2019: Fellow of the PSA, verliehen durch die Professional Speaking Association UK & Ireland


Honors, awards & prizes
  • 2013: Audience Award for Outstanding Speaking Achievements
  • 2013: Speaker award “Best Media”
  • 2014: Speaker award “Best Performer”
  • 2016: Admission as the first German to the C-Suite Book Club in New York City
  • 2016: Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), awarded by the National Speakers Association in Phoenix/Arizona
  • 2016: Speaker award “Best Brand”
  • 2018: Best Business Book Award for over 100,000 copies sold at the Frankfurt Book Fair
  • 2019: Fellow of the PSA, awarded by the Professional Speaking Association UK & Ireland


These beliefs drive us
  • We believe that companies change when people change.
  • We believe that a culture of change beats even the most elaborate strategy.
  • We believe that we are responsible for our results. For the good and the bad.
  • We believe that in every problem lies an opportunity.
  • We believe that motivation is based on purpose and values and not on external factors.
  • We believe that in every human being there is a great fire just waiting to be ignited.
  • We believe that when you change, everything changes.
  • We believe that innovative thinking, hard work and commitment are the basis for success.
  • We believe in individuality and diversity instead of equality.
  • We believe in simple solutions and not complicated problems.
  • We believe in clarity, decisiveness and integrity.
  • We believe in results, not announcements.
  • We believe that dealing with change will be the most important key competence of the future.

code of values

These values drive us
  • Responsibility: We can only be successful together if everyone takes personal responsibility.
  • Gratitude: We go through life with an attitude of gratitude. We give before we take.
  • Diversity: We respect everyone as they are and treat them individually.
  • Integrity: We act and do what we promise.
  • Support: Nobody wins alone. That’s why the team is sacred to us.
  • Family: Success has a clear sequence for us: family first, then the business.
  • Meaning: For us, a job is not just a job. Everything we do is based on meaningfulness in order to make the world a little bit better every day.
  • Humor: We like to laugh a lot, especially about ourselves. For us, work has to do one thing above all: be fun!
  • Quality: We have high demands on our products, our service, but especially on ourselves.
Of course there are also some NO-GO’s for us:

Indifference. arbitrariness. Cowardice. Egoism. bumbling. Cynicism. lack of humor black painting. Force. Hate. dogmatism. know-it-all. Opportunism.


corporate philosophy

The corporate philosophy is based on our entire thinking, acting and working. Businesses change when people change. That’s why I firmly believe in two things: the power of individual personality and the magic of a culture of change driven by strong values. When the individual needs of each person are in line with the overarching organizational goals, a magical cocktail of passion, commitment and operational excellence is created. We summarized this in our mission statement:

“My business approach is radically human, because I am firmly convinced that in times of ever faster change, people are the most important success factor for the future. I help people to lead a life based on self-determination, personal freedom and meaning. I support organizations and companies to seize the great opportunities of change and to establish a change culture characterized by shared values, diversity and meaning. The individual definition of success is the powerful fixed star, the way there is change.”


Overview of my previous professional life
  • 1975: Born in the beautiful Hanseatic city of Lübeck
  • 1994: Abitur at the Carl-Jacob-Burkhardt Gymnasium in Lübeck
  • 1994: Civilian service at the University Hospital in Lübeck: work with disabled and slow-learning children in an integrative facility.
  • 1995 – 2001: Studied economics in Greifswald, Mannheim and Hamburg. Main subjects: marketing, business education and organizational theory. Degree: Diplom Kaufmann
  • 1995 – 2001: Various jobs, including: interpreter for American and Nigerian companies, bartender, business plan writer, consultant for start-ups, business development manager
  • 2002 – 2008: Managing Director for Karstadt, Hertie and Wertheim with a total of ten locations in Lübeck, 2x Hamburg, Kassel, Mönchengladbach, Frankfurt/Oder and 5x Berlin
  • 2008 – 2009: Store Manager IKEA in Hamburg
  • 2009: Foundation of Ilja Grzeskowitz – change. Simple. Do.
  • 2013-2015: Lectureships at the Berlin School of Law and Economics and the SRH Hochschule
  • Since 2009: International keynote speaker, bestselling author of 12 books and change consultant
  • Since 2013: Initiator and host of the Change Awards
  • 2020: Founding of the Solopreneur Club